edit and review

professional book editing service

A Book Editing Service
That's Right For You

Why invest in book editing?

Your book has a better potential for success if you hire the right team. No one said you have to do this alone. In fact, hiring professional support can mean the difference between creating an okay book and creating a great book that truly resonates with readers in revealing your book’s core message chapter by chapter. 

I hear from so many authors who’ve tried to do everything alone, or not hired the right editing partner, who are experiencing poor sales, low self-confidence in their author journey so far. 

It happens. We try to take on everything – and for most parts you do a great job. But when you find an editing partner that truly aligns with your book’s message, your writing style, and you as a person, something truly magical happens. Your book blooms into everything you thought it could be for your reader.

I’ve worked with a spiritual teacher, a medium, a homicide detective, a sales leader, a fantasy novelist, a vice president in sales, a presenter, a children’s book author, a YA author, people who’ve experienced trauma, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, as well as those who’ve experienced personal growth. I am blessed and honoured to work with such amazing people with stories of transformation across memoirs, self-help and novels.

Together, we’ve shared experiences through the journey in working together to make their books the best they can possibly be, so that they speak to readers in just the right way. 

What are the different types of book editing?

The type of edit you receive will depend on your budget & requirements. Typically, I work with you to get you the best service you need with the budget you have.

You can receive a read through of your book/ or manuscript so far to give you feedback on direction, flow, characters, plot and narrative.

You can receive book copy editing which, depending on your requirements, will take care of grammatical errors, syntax, comprehension, reference citations and research for fact checking, permission if necessary.

You can receive book line editing where I will suggest the best way for your message to be delivered sentence by sentence. 

You can receive book developmental editing whereby I work with you on structure, plot, character development, narrative style, comprehension and meaning, and overall delivery of the best book it can possibly be.

Can I submit an incomplete manuscript? 

Absolutely! If you’re seeking confidence in what you’ve written so far, or are struggling to decide where the story is going – I can help with this.

To discuss these services in more detail, you can book a 30 minute free call with me by emailing cheryl@cherylhart.co.uk.

There's no way this book would have become the book it deserved to be without Cheryl.
Jen Celli
Homicide detective
Cheryl was amazing during my novel writing process. Her professionalism and her suggestions regarding direction, characters and time lines is a credit to her editing prowess. She also recognizes a writers block dilemma and personal hardships. My experience working with Cheryl has been positive and enlightening. 🇨🇦
Rosemarie Bongers

Hire me to co-write your book

You know you can write. You know where your story is going. Yet, there’s a heap of detail that you don’t know needs to be there. You may struggle with time, confidence, but you just feel this book has to be written and released into the world.

If this is you, or if you’re somewhere in between, then hiring a co-writer to help you write your book could be the answer you’ve been looking for.

If this resonates then reach out by email: cheryl@cherylhart.co.uk

Get support through focused, personalised writing programmes

Writing a book is personal, and so is my coaching style, which is why my writing programmes have so much success. 

Cheryl Hart
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