
The world of story-telling is all around us. The way we receive and share stories is expanding. You could be a business owner wanting to share your expertise and authority in what you know. You could be wanting to finally write the memoir or novel that you’ve always dreamt of. You could be a school or parent wanting to empower young imaginations through having their creative work published. 

At Cheryl Hart, we dedicate our time and services to empowering story-tellers (young and fully grown) to become authors, whether it be for personal dreams, part of a business model, or within the classroom. There really is no dream too small or too big that we won’t want to get on board with. And, you’ll always feel that you’re joining a family, not hiring a service, and the family at Cheryl Hart will help in any way we can so that you can see your book in print, your business online, and your story-telling message reach the hands of your readers.

Cheryl Hart

Embrace Your Imagination with the Creative Magic Group

Ever wondered what goes on inside a creative writing group? Here’s your chance to find out. But this is not just any creative writing group. This is a fun, intimate gathering where you can be just as you are. No egos allowed, just wonderfully magical happenings.

You may get to learn something new. You may get to practice what you know. What you will definitely get is a place to be creative, to be accepted, and to be celebrated as the creative magician you are.

To find out if this is for you, go ahead and click the button below.

Your Journey is Your Business

Many business owners have a lot to share when it comes to understanding that the business is very much a journey, both professionally and personally. 

We don’t go into business to just make money. We go into business because we believe we can offer something special and make a difference.

More often than not the personal journey is as powerful as the professional one. The two form a partnership and make your story relatable on a whole new level. Writing a book about what you’ve discovered along the way, might just be the next best thing you’ve done.


Not everyone sits at the writing table with knowledge of how to write their book, most seek support to learn how to put their story or their teachings down on a paper. 

You can begin with a personal one hour session with Cheryl Hart (from £40 an hour) to discuss the development of your story, or you can arrange a longer term plan with Cheryl that suits your needs.

Whatever you decide, you’ll be supported every step of the way, so that one day, you follow in the footsteps of authors Sukhdeep Kaur Dhaliwal and Jen Celli.

There isn't anyone else I would have chosen to help me to map out the content for my book. Cheryl helped me to understand the structure of my story and what the reader needed. Sukhdeep Kaur Dhaliwal
I spent years looking for the answers which Cheryl gave to me effortlessly. Working with Cheryl I felt like she was part of my team, and I still call her my friend to this day. Jen Celli
Jen Celli
Working with Cheryl brings so much light to the writing process. I struggle to get my words down on paper, but with her prompts and support, I'm able to write my story. Elizabeth Candlish
Elizabeth Candlish
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